Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mary Poppins?

Well not exactly. For some reason the kids got in their minds that they were going to make their own umbrellas... Yeah... not sure where that came from. 

They had been outside playing, next thing I know they were inside pulling out the wax paper and running back outside? Curious, I went out to see what they were doing. They were sticking a stick through the center of the paper and were pretty disappointed that the paper didn't stand out on it's own. 

 I tried to show them that umbrella's have supports that keep the fabric up... 
Which led too...

 finding sticks...
 a bunch of hot glue....
 and wax paper.

And there you have it. Home made umbrellas... Shew! Glad we have those! What are we going to do with 'em?
... no idea?
At least we have the memories! And one day they will look back and say "My mom is so cool... because she knows how to make umbrellas."

 ....Right? ;)


Cassie said...


Grandma Shultz said...

Right. Maylin and Pierson, you look so proud with your handmade umbrellas.

Jordan Carl said...

Sounds good to me! I love them. These two are definitely a pair of problem solvers!

Kristi said...

Wanna come do art with my crew?