Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maylin visits an Economic Fair.

 My sweet little cousin Sara's school was holding an economic fair. Each 3rd grade student developed a product and "sold" them. It was really a cool concept. Everyone who came to shop was given seven play-dollars to spend. Maylin thought she was in Heaven! She got to walk around and see what she wanted to buy.  Of course we first went to see Sara and got our Pet Rocks that we pre-ordered.
 Money exchanging hands.

 The students were very excited about selling. Most of them were standing  on their chairs yelling information about their product. It was a little overwhelming for Maylin but she hung in there and walked around looking at each 'booth' to see what she wanted. What was it that she wanted in the end?
Glow in the dark finger nails followed by cotton candy!
I am just thankful she never asked to get the color spray put in her hair!


Summer said...

What a really great idea for the kids at school to do!

Kristi said...

Glow in the dark fingernails, why am I not surprised? :)
That economic fair is a great idea. And folks standing on chairs yelling about their product? Takes me back to my first visit to a Carrefour in Beijing...

Lindy D. said...

Maylin looks so pretty in her dress and necklace. What a cute pet rock! And glow in the dark nail polish and cotton candy make for a very fun day! How nice you guys supported cute cousin Sara.

tewethot said...

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