Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Eve

Things are way more fun and way more noisy when there are six kids in a house. Even reading books can be a challenge when you have a marching band in the house.  :)
 The day was filled with giggles and silliness.
 We dyed eggs (even superman).
 We painted our dyed eggs.
 Some better than others. ;)
 We got rides from cousin Chad.
 Grilled and ate, and ate, and ate!
 We celebrated a new baby coming into the family.
 We investigated with new spyware!
 We played games at the baby shower. Adam won!
 We caught minnows.
 a couple of us fell in the water...
I won't mention those kids names... but :)

By the time we got home we were dirty and tired. If it had not been for the fact that the next day was Easter Sunday we might have let the stinky kids skip a bath. But we didn't.
We finished the day with Grandma reading a book about Easter. It was a great non-stop-kind-of-day! Things are always better with family!


Cassie said...

i can't believe that you have a table of uncovered cups of dye on a table surrounded by small children. that would last exactly .17 seconds with oliver jack around....

Grandma Shultz said...

Oh, I'm still smiling! What fun we had.

Kristi said...

I still want to know how it is that with about ten little boys (including the family that shared paper towels) it was MY two that went in...
What fun it was!