My hat is off to my sister who keeps her blog updated so well... I am trying.
We leave the hotel at 7:00 am in the morning! :0 Much to so little time.
I'll catch up when we get back on the other side of the world!
Love you all!
PS Maylin's first breakdown was here. It lasted about 4 minutes seeming like 4 hours. She screamed, flailed and cried. I am pretty sure she was saying you aren't my mommy and I hate you... but one can't be sure when it is screaming Mandarin and I only understand English! Oh well we made it through and now we are settling in as a family of four... not to say there haven't been more tears, but nothing to that extent! Praise GOD!!!
Oh, those meltdowns in a foreign land when your child is speaking in a foreign language that everyone else understands...
We were pretty sure sometimes that Darcy was yelling, "I don't know who these strange people are and I don't like them. Someone help me!"
But yes, you do survive. I pray that the flights will be smooth, nothing like 24 hours on the move with kids who just want to rest.
I look forward to spending Easter weekend with you guys to hear stories, but most of all to finally be able to hug your precious children (after seeing you briefly when you are tired out of your minds at the airport of course...).
We have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and thanks for introducing us to Pierson and Maylin through pictures and written comments. Both of you look like seasoned parents. We pray for a comfortable and safe trip home. I'm sure the airport reception will be one you'll always remember. Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
Love, A Carol & U Larry
If you have only had one major melt down, things are going extremely well. God (and their caretakers) must have really prepared them for this. I'm praying for your safe and smooth trip home!
what time and where is the flight arriving?
I'm praying that your trip is going well and that all four of you are sound asleep right now. We can't wait to see you when you get home!
Many have been praying for your safe travel. Know it is an exhausting trip but you'll be HOME and that will be wonderful. Hope the children have slept quite a bit. I'm so anxious to see the new Cline family of four on USA soil.
Love you,
Clark, their flight is United 7636 our of Chicago. To arrive at 7:09pm.
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