Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meals on Wheels

Thanks Mrs. Amanda and Emma for letting us tag along with you guys on your 'meals on wheels'
It is very important for Adam and I to teach the kids the importance of being a servant. At their age there isn't a whole lot they can do by themselves yet. But... exposing them to it and teaching them as they grow is our goal so that they will grow up with an understanding of what living a life of servant hood looks like, something that I am not sure I really understood until I was in high school or even later. If I am being honest I I am still working on it. I did local missions and did some short term overseas mission trips and loved it. I loved the act of serving while I was on a cool trip, but it was the living it everyday part that I was missing. We really want Pierson and Maylin to see service to others as a way of life and something that is the 'norm'. To do this successfully we have to be living this kind of life ourselves. Adam does great because his job is all about servanthood. Me... welll I am working on that. I'll share more about what I am trying to do later. In the meantime however we got to tag along with our friends Amanda and Emma on their meals on wheels route.
Maylin loved packing the basket of food. The first house we went in was pretty low on the social-economic scale. I waited to see what her reaction would be to the smell and the clutter but she really didn't bat an eye. She looked around a little bit, but she does that in any house we go in. I was very proud of how she handled it all! She acted as if she did this everyday and these people were no different than her! Praise God! If only we could all see the world through the eyes of a child. So many barriers would fall. But since that isn't likely to happen in our lifetime the only thing we can do is continue to live as servants to the best of our ability and pray we make a difference.


Larry and Carol said...

What wonderful training for the kids.

Grandma Shultz said...

Maylin, Grandma is so happy that you went with Mommy, Miss Amanda and Emma to deliver the meals to some people who needed it. You are a loving little girl. Know they enjoyed the bright, pretty faces of you and Emma.

Kristi said...

That's a great idea of a way to serve with preschoolers! Thanks! We've been trying to figure out something we can do as a family that the kids can actually help out with.
I'm sure it was a great morning!