Friday, January 7, 2011

Dec 26th!

We woke to a winter wonderland the day after Christmas, which was also Adam's Birthday! It was beautiful. At 7:30 Adam and I left to go to church. (He is the praise and worship leader so we felt like we needed to try and make it.) 
 The scenery was amazing!
 The church looked so beautiful covered in white. We made it to church safely and Adam did a great job. There were exactly 31 people there that morning. It was a tiny quaint service.
By the time we got home the kids were awake and anxiously waiting for us so they could go out and play.  I love the look of wonder on their faces. I wish we could all look at everyday with such awe and innocence.
I am trying to catch up with the holidays... It is all coming soon. I just want to capture every thing about their first Christmas season. 
Playing in the snow, Grandpa's house, skiing, and Pierson's Birthday are all coming!

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